Beginner English
Lesson 1: Hello and Goodbye (Beginner English)
This is the first lesson of Beginner English.
Lesson 2: Numbers (Beginner English)
The second lesson covers numbers from zero to one million.
Lesson 3: Writing Numbers - Beginner English
Learn to write numbers as words.
Lesson 4: Give Personal Information - Beginner English
Tell about yourself with numbers.
Lesson 5: Give Personal Information Part 2 - Beginner English
I can tell about myself using numbers.
Lesson 6: Family: Part 1- Beginner English
I can talk about family members.
Lesson 7: Polite Words - Beginner English
I can use polite words.
Lesson 8: Family Tree - Beginner English
I can talk about my family.
Lesson 9: Polite Words: Part 2 - Beginner English
I can communicate with polite words.
Lesson 10: Introductions - Beginner English
I can introduce friends to each other.
I can greet people I meet.
Lesson 11: Wrap-Up: Introductions, Polite Words, and Family - Beginner English
I can read and listen to a conversation using past lessons’ vocabulary.
Lesson 12: Let's Be Friends Song - Beginner English
I can understand and sing a song in English.
Lesson 13: Countries - Beginner English
I can identify and talk about countries.
Lesson 14: The United States of America - Beginner English
I can identify and talk about states within the USA.
Lesson 15: I am from … I live in - Beginner English
I can talk about where I am from and where I live.
Lesson 16: Wrap Up: Countries, States, and Family - Beginner English
I can listen to a story about a girl’s family moving to the USA.
Lesson 17: Write About Yourself - Beginner English
I can write about myself.
Lesson 18: School Tools - Beginner English
I can identify and talk about school tools.
Lesson 19: Colors and Sizes - Beginner English
I can identify colors and sizes.
Lesson 20: School Tools, Colors, and Sizes - Beginner English
I can combine vocabulary about school tools, colors, and sizes in writing and conversation.
Lesson 21: Give Information on School Tools - Beginner English
I can use sentences to talk about school tools.
I can use “a” and “an” correctly.
Lesson 22: Asking and Answering Questions - Beginner English
I can ask and answer questions.
Lesson 23: In the Classroom - Beginner English
I can identify and talk about classroom items.
Lesson 24: Shapes in the Classroom - Beginner English
I can identify and talk about shapes, classroom items, and classroom people.
Lesson 25: Give and Follow Commands - Beginner English
I can give and follow commands.
Lesson 26: School Places Song - Beginner English
I can sing a song about school.
Lesson 27: School Places - Beginner English
I can identify and talk about school places.