American Authors - Best day of my life (Learn English with Songs)


I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]
I stretched my hands out to the sky
We danced with monsters through the night
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]

I'm never gonna look back
Whoa, I'm never gonna give it up
No, please don't wake me now
(2, 3, 4)
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

I howled at the moon with friends
And then the sun came crashing in
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]
But all the possibilities
No limits just epiphanies
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]

I'm never gonna look back
Whoa, I'm never gonna give it up
No, just don't wake me now

This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

I hear it calling outside my window
I feel it in my soul (soul)
The stars were burning so bright
The sun was out 'til midnight
I say we lose control (control)


This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be, this is gonna be, this is gotta be
The best day of my life
Everything is looking up, everybody up now
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

Difficult Phrases and Words

  1. howled

    1. Context: I howled at the moon with friends

    2. Definition: to cry out loudly and without restraint under strong impulse (such as pain, grief, or amusement), characteristic of members of the dog family

    3. Additional sentence: My dogs start howling when they hear sirens from police cars and ambulances.

  2. crashing in

    1. Context: I howled at the moon with friends / And then the sun came crashing in

    2. Definition: 1) moving without restraint. 2) coming to interrupt

    3. Additional sentence: I was having a good talk with my friend, but then his little sister came crashing in.

  3. epiphanies

    1. Context: No limits just epiphanies

    2. Definition: a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way

    3. Additional sentence: I had an epiphany when I saw that people can make money online and live anywhere in the world.

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you think this song is about?

  2. Can you relate to anything in this song? Do you remember some of the best days (or nights) of your life?

  3. The singer howled at the moon with his friends when they were having a good time at night to express their excitement and energy. What do you do or have you done to express your excitement and energy?

  4. Do you remember having a good time and then something (like the sun in the song interrupting the fun night) or someone crashed in and interrupted your fun time?

  5. Do you remember any epiphanies you have had?


Lenka - Everything At Once (Learn English with Songs)


Switchfoot- This is Home(Learn English with Songs)