Effective, Consistent Learning -> Have Fun with the Learning


My good friends from high school have executed a lot of brain intense activities throughout their lives, and that helps to explain their intelligence. They execute these activities without even thinking too much about doing them; the brain activities are just a way of life for them. That type of lifestyle and thinking will improve a person’s intelligence.

I think this applies for learning a variety of skills as well. For my Russian students who are learning English, the ones who do the best and who will consistently practice and show up to class are the ones who have fun with the material in a relaxed way. It is the least like work, and it is more a way to socialize and communicate in another language. I think about myself too. Writing is very easy for me because I just do it naturally, and it is enjoyable. It’s my way of life. So then if you are trying to learn something or you are trying to teach something effectively, you should try to create a context where the learning is fun and natural and where it jives with you.


I think this is one big reason why living in another country helps people learn a language. Hanging out with people and talking in the foreign language is much more fun and effortless than studying in a book or learning in a classroom. Of course, we now have Skype language exchange, so that kind of fun, practice is now much more easily available to everyone. (Of course, online friendships and communication cannot completely match in-person communication.)


This insight also brings into light the importance of doing fun learning activities with your kids. They will continue to see the mentally strenuous activities as fun games later on in life.


A Fun ESL Lesson with Balloon Animals


Snap! Snap! Snap! … Pile of Limbs … Creativity!