Learn English with Awkward Avoidance Viking: Grocery Store - (Comedy)



Hey James

yeah I haven't seen you for at least

seven years

seven Wow I meant a call I've just been so busy for seven years


yeah listen I gotta buy some more food but uh I'll I'll give you a call sometime we'll hang out or whatever

that sounds great

yeah yeah


good to see you

yeah it's good to see ya

oh great I just said goodbye to him. Now I'm gonna have to say something awkward like it seems we meet again. Maybe I can get away before he notices. Nope. Dangit, why did I come down this aisle? I don't even like frozen food. Hello toquitos. Focus. Okay how do I make this as unawkward as possible? The awkward avoidance Viking [Music]

Difficult Phrases and Words

  • gonna

  • awkward

  • Nope

  • Dangit

  • avoidance

Discussion Questions

  1. 1. GONNAWhat’s something you’ve been saying you’re gonna do for a while but haven’t gotten around to yet?

    2. AWKWARDWhat’s the most awkward moment you’ve ever experienced, and how did you deal with it?

    3. NOPEHave you ever said "nope" to something everyone else wanted to do? How did that turn out?

    4. DANGITWhat’s a time when something small went wrong, and all you could say was "dangit"?

    5. AVOIDANCEIs there something in your life right now that you’re using avoidance to deal with? How do you plan to face it?


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