Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 3 - Part 2


Phineas: Well, it wasn't easy. It took most of the morning and half a dozen phone calls. But if you learn to put in the work-
Candace: That's it! I'm gonna tell Mom!
Phineas: Okay, tell her what?
Candace: (pauses) Ooh, I'm just gonna tell.
Phineas and Ferbettes: ♪ Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I love you! ♪
Candace: Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom, you've gotta see this!
Linda: Let me guess. Is it unbelieva- (Candace pushes her) WOOAH!
Candace: Come on, come on, come on!

Ben Baxter: Hi, I'm Ben Baxter, Huge-O-Records. Why don't you come by my office in an hour and we can talk about your future.
Phineas: Future? Cool. He must be a quack psychic.
Candace: Come on, come on, come on! See? There they are onstage!
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, once again...Marty the Rabbit Boy and His Musical Blender!
(Marty the Rabbit Boy performs)
Linda: Come on, we're getting you an eye exam.
Candace: No, no, wait!

♪ Perry! ♪
♪ Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.! ♪
Doofenshmirtz: Ha ha, everything is ready!
(doorbell rings) Oh, what is it now? (opens the door and saw the disguised Perry) Oh, are you my new temp? Well, let me just get you up the speed; I know it's bit of a mess. I'm just putting the finishing touches of my latest diabolical plan. You see, in a few minutes, I will unleash an undeprecedented reign of terror upon the entire... (holds magnifying glass on the Tri State Area) ...Tri-State Area! And Perry the Platypus will never be the wiser.
(Perry removes the disguise) Perry the Platypus? You're a temp? Are times that hard?

Candace: Ugh! I told Mom I don't need glasses! What the...? (sees a bus of the PFT leaving) No, no, wait! Grrrr. (notices a PFT poster on a building and smiles) MOOM!

♪ Doofenshmirtz Evil Incor-- ♪

Doofenshmirtz: Sorry, Perry the Platypus, but you are too late! (pushes a lever that makes the building alive as a robot)

Linda: (wearing a sweater) Ooh, this one's nice.
Candace: Mom, come here. You've got to see this!
Linda: Candace! I haven't payed for this yet!
Guard: Hey!

(the giant building robot wreaks havoc over the city)
Doofenshmirtz: Ha ha ha! When it comes to havoc, nobody wreaks like me!
(Perry removes a metal cover of a storage)
Wait, wait, wait, you're not supposed to touch that!
(Perry removes a wire)
Hey, hey, no fair!

(the robot almost steps over the building, but turns around)

(The PFT bus passed by)
Isabella: Wow, what a great painting! How did you get permission for that?
Phineas: Oh, they didn't mind. The building's scheduled for demolition.
(the building gets demolished)

(Candace drags her mom)
Candace: See? (sees no building) (screaming)
Guard: Uh, ma'am, you're gonna have to go back and pay for that.
Linda: Yes, of course, officer.
Candace: (Screaming again)
Guard: Hey, weren't you Lindana?
Linda: Oh, yes, I was! I can't believe you recognized me.
Guard: Well, I was a huge fan. (pauses) You still have to pay for the jacket.
Linda: I know.

Doofenshmirtz: Very clever, Perry the Platypus. I tried to ignore you, but you forced my hand.
(pushes a button and traps Perry)
And now...I shall relax with a nice, tasty deli platter. Oh-hooh, where are my manners?
(gives Perry his share) Here you go, Perry the Platypus. Care for some pepper? Just say when. (continues to pour pepper) Anytime.

Ben: Boys, let me start by saying we love your act and we want to be in the Phineas and the Ferb-Tones business. And by the way, aren't you a little young to be pop stars?
Phineas: No.
Ben: Well, okay, then! We prepared to offer you a very lucrative contract if you'll just sign exclusively with us for your follow-up single.
Phineas: Follow-up single? Who do you think we are, some two-bit hacks who keep writing you songs just because you pay us obscene amounts of cash?! Phineas and the Ferb-Tones are strictly a one-hit wonder! Good day to you, sir!
(enters the elevator) Diva tantrum, check. (listens to the Gitchee Gitchee Goo elevator music) Elevator music, check.
Ben: Well, who needs them? We still got this video tape of their performance. We could do live CDs, DVDs, podcasts, and we can digitally re-create their images to make our own sitcom! The Phineas and Ferb Show! We could squeeze twenty years of entertainment out of this one video tape.
Manager: (screams) That giant robot's coming right at us!

Doofenshmirtz: (still pouring pepper) Oh, you sure like a lot of pepper. I'm more of a paprika man myself. (Perry blows over the pepper; Dr. D coughs) It will take more than condiments to foil my brilliant plan!
(the robot sneezed them out, and they crashed through the Huge-O-Records building)
Ben: The tape!

Discussion Questions

  1. Phineus and Ferb had a large painting of their band on a skyscraper. If you could have any painting on a skyscraper or the largest building in your city, what kind of painting would you place on the building?

  2. What was your favorite band when you were a kid or teenager?

  3. Do you remember when someone around you threw a tantrum?


Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 3 - Part 3


Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 3 - Part 1