Lucky Dube - The Way It Is (Learn English with Songs)


Didn't I raise my voice
High enough for you
I was running like a fugitive all the time
Risking rejection from my own people yeah
Now that you got what you wanted
You don't even know my name
It's so funny, we don't talk anymore
Be good to the people on your
Way up the ladder
Cause you'll need them on your way down

That's the way it is

Didn't I raise my fists high enough for you
I guess I can't pat myself on the shoulder
For a job well done
Dodging bullets in the streets
I was there
Risking rejection from my own people
Now that you got what you wanted
You don't even know my name
Be good to the people on your way
Up the ladder 'cause you'll need
Them on your way down

That's the way it is

Difficult Phrases and Words

  1. fugitive

    1. Context: I was running like a fugitive all the time

    2. Definition: a person who flees or tries to escape

    3. Additional sentence: The police are chasing the fugitives across the country.

  2. up the ladder

    1. Context: Be good to the people on your / Way up the ladder / Cause you'll need them on your way down

    2. Definition: This is figurative language. This is the ladder of social hierarchies. People try to move up the ladder in order to improve their social or career position.

    3. Additional sentence: I want to climb the ladder so I can make more money and provide for my family.

  3. Dodging

    1. Context: Dodging bullets in the streets

    2. Definition: to evade by a sudden or repeated shift of position

    3. Additional sentence: They threw balls at him, but he dodged all of them.

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you think this song is about?

  2. Can you relate to anything in this song?

  3. The singer says that he helped out someone so much that he became a fugitive in order to help that person. Do you think he should have become a fugitive for the person he helped?

  4. Do you want to climb the corporate ladder in the future? Would you want to climb some kind of career ladder in the future?

  5. Did you ever have to dodge bullets before? Do you know of a story where someone had to dodge bullets? When did you have to dodge something?


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