Silly Historical Fiction - The Angry Noble

Learn English with silly historical fiction. This story is titled The Angry Noble, and it is set in the Middle Ages. The story is accompanied by customized music to create an epic learning experience.


An angry noble named Peter sat in his castle and looked over his manor. Over the years, the other nobles made many attempts to kill Peter. Nobles tried to poison his wine and food, and another time they let loose 10 bears in his castle. None of these attempts to assassinate Peter worked, so one time another lord’s knights pushed him into the castle’s moat with alligators. However, Angry Peter snapped back at the alligators, and he ate them alive.

After this incident, Peter became known as Angry Peter. Yes, Angry Peter was not only scary and crazy, he was also very fat since he could eat 3 alligators all at once. When the knights saw that he ate three alligators alive, they were afraid that Angry Peter would eat them too. As the knights ran away back to their lords’ manors, Angry Peter pulled himself out of the moat and declared war on the other nobles.

The kingdom was now in a civil war, and the king was not happy. He wanted his nobles and their knights fighting his enemies, not fighting each other. So the king sent a messenger to Angry Peter. The messenger told Angry Peter “Stop fighting with the other nobles in my kingdom, and start fighting my enemies outside of my kingdom!”

Angry Peter retorted back “They tried to kill me first! And no one messes with Angry Peter! You tell the other nobles to stop trying to kill me, and then I will fight your enemies.”

The messenger brought back Angry Peter’s message to the king. The king understood Angry Peter’s response, so he executed the nobles who tried to kill Angry Peter. Angry Peter was very happy with this turn of events. Not only were his rivals dead, but he also gained new manors from his rivals.

However, all of the peasants living on these newly gained manors were very afraid of their new lord - Angry Peter. They rushed to the knights and pleaded with them “Please protect us from crazy Angry Peter!”

The knights quietly responded, “We are afraid of Angry Peter too.”

“What?” yelled the peasants. “You are knights. You are not supposed to be afraid. You are supposed to fight and protect us.”

“But we don’t want to be eaten alive by Angry Peter.” The knights said ashamedly. “We can’t do anything to help you.”

The peasants realized that the knights were not fulfilling their role as protectors. So they went to their friendly and resourceful priest - Alex. “Alex! Save us from angry Peter! The knights will not protect us. What should we do?”

Alex told the peasants to come to his church and pray for protection. After the prayer, everyone heard a loud roar come from the sky, and swooping down from the clouds burst a red flame and dragon soaring down to the earth. The peasants screamed “Oh no! We first had Angry Peter who tried to make our lives miserable, and now a dragon wants to fry us.”

But Alex calmly said, “Be not afraid. This dragon is my friend. I call him Nicolai.” The peasants cheered at the good news, and they all patted Nicolai on the back and tail.

During this time, Angry Peter was becoming very proud and greedy. “No one can stop me now. I have all the manors. I should be king now. And I will make those peasants work all day and all night.”

Suddenly, he smelled something burning. He looked at the window and saw his curtains burning. He then looked out the window and only could see a huge eye. It was Nicolai’s eye. Nicolai gave Angry Peter a wink before blowing flames throughout the castle. The peasants were happy along with the king.

After all of these events the king changed his opinion about peasants and church officials. Even though their function in the Feudal System is not designed for fighting, they can be powerful in their own way. Of course, Alex the priest insisted that I say “With God’s help.” And that is how the phrase “God save the king!” was first created.


Jon Foreman- Cure for Pain(Learn English with Songs)


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