Learn English with Family Matters -SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - RACHEL'S PLACE - Part 3


I've mastered waitering,
I'm a crackerjack cashier...

and during peak hours, a
pretty darn good hostess.

Yep, I think it's time
I became a chef.

- Urkel, where are you going?
- To turn on the grill.

I'm gonna fry you up
a Steve-o Supremo.

I don't think you
should do any cooking.

Don't fret, my pet,
what could go wrong?

Did I do that?

- What's happening?
- Leroy's is on fire.



Oh, my baby. Are you okay?

I'm fine, Ma.

- Laura?
- What happened?

Dad. CARL: Laura.

Oh, sweetheart, I was
so worried about you.

- Are you all right?
- I'm fine, Dad.

Oh, sweetheart.


I've been looking for you two.

Now, just how
did this fire start?

It was an accident, Your Honor.

I'm not the judge,
I'm the fire inspector.

I know, I was just practicing.

Here's what happened. Some
grease flared up on the grill.

Still, we could've handled it,
but then he threw water on it.

Oh, no, no, no. You never, ever,
ever throw water on a grease fire.

Thanks, I'll know
for the next time.

Leroy, how you holding up?

I've had better days.


No, no, no! Calm down,
Leroy! Take it easy!

You can rebuild, the place
will be better than ever.

No way. No way. I'm
too old to start over.

I'm gonna retire to Fort
Lauderdale. Get me a nice little coop.

You don't mean that, Leroy.

Yeah, I'm taking my insurance
money, maybe even my wife.

I have flipped my last burger.

From now on, the only buns I
wanna see will be on the beach.

Boy, did he ever get up on the
wrong side of the bed this morning.

Discussion Questions

  1. Steve Urkel got in big trouble with Leroy. Was there a time when you or someone you know got in big trouble?

  2. Do you think that Leroy got up on the wrong side of the bed that morning, or did he have a good reason to be angry? Are there times when you get up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning (figuratively)?


Learn English with Family Matters -SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - RACHEL'S PLACE - Part 4


Learn English with Family Matters -SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - RACHEL'S PLACE - Part 2