Learn English with Family Matters -SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - RACHEL'S PLACE - Part 2


I'm not sure.

All I know is it's got something
to do with pie toppings.

Hey, Jolene...

who do you think is
better-looking, me or Tyrone?

Well, right now, Eddie,
I'd have to say Tyrone.


Because you don't look real
hunky with mustard on your nose.

Laura, give Table 6 their check.

- But they're not done eating.
- Ha!

If I waited for people to finish
eating my food, I'd never make a dime.

Where is she? Psst!

Hey, hey, she looks like a
great waitress. I hope we get her.

What are you guys doing here?

- We wanted to give you our support.
- And throw you a little business.

And after that, we'll
rock till we drop.


Waitress, we need menus.

Sorry, this is not my station.

Steve, Table 10.

Hi. Ooh!

Oh. I'll be with you in two
shakes of a lamb's tail, okay?

Here's your food.

We're out of fries right now,
but I'll try and scrape some up.

Hi, everybody.
Welcome to Leroy's.

Menu, menu, menu... menu, menu.

Uh, just bring us
burgers and fries.

Thank you, thank
you, thank you...

thank you, thank you.

Okey-dokey. Would you guys
like those burgers with cheese?


- Oh, you guys.
- Ha-ha-ha.



Allow me, my little milk shake.

No, I can handle it.

Oh, no, hands as lovely as yours
should never be besmirched by grease.


Oh. No.

- Here, let me.
- I've got it.

Oh, no, I insist.

Whoa! JOLENE: Aah!


Did I do that?

Okay, you two, payday.


You're doing a good
job, Laura, keep it up.

Thanks, sir.

A bill?

That's what you owe
me for broken dishes.

Well, perhaps if you
popped for better china...

I should fire you, Urkel...

but I'm in a good mood, so
I'm gonna cut you some slack.

Thank you. I love slack.

I'm going to the bank
and make a deposit.

Take your time.

Why don't you stop off and treat
yourself to a decent meal for a change?

You know, the life of a restaurateur
appeals to this particular Joe.

I've mastered waitering,
I'm a crackerjack cashier...

and during peak hours, a
pretty darn good hostess.

Yep, I think it's time
I became a chef.

- Urkel, where are you going?
- To turn on the grill.

I'm gonna fry you up
a Steve-o Supremo.

I don't think you
should do any cooking.

Don't fret, my pet,
what could go wrong?

Discussion Questions

  1. Steve Urkel tries to help Laura when he says “Oh, no, hands as lovely as yours should never be besmirched by grease.” Did you have someone who tried to help you, but they caused more trouble than help?

  2. Did you ever get in trouble with a boss or teacher? Did your boss/teacher cut you some slack, or were you punished/fired?

  3. Steve Urkel tries to cook Laura something on the grill. Are you good at cooking? What do you like to cook?

  4. Steve Urkel tries to cook Laura some food, and he burns the restaurant down. Did you ever have a cooking mistake?


Learn English with Family Matters -SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - RACHEL'S PLACE - Part 3


Learn English with Family Matters -SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - RACHEL'S PLACE - Part 1