Learn English with Family Matters -SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - RACHEL'S PLACE - Part 1


Later, Rachel.

Oh, hitting the courts
again, Mother Winslow?

I'm playing Alice Grayson.
I whip her butt every time.

But she's half your age.

Poor thing, she
can't go to the net.

- Later.
- Have fun.

Ooh, here, give me one of those.



These grocery bags are heavy.

Thank goodness I'm
in such great shape.

Look at this. Eight
bags of groceries, $180.

Yeah, and can you believe the fuss
they made when I paid with a check?

Well, Carl, you told them
not to cash it until November.

Oh, Carl... we need
to call a plumber.


Well, little Richie
was curious to see...

if your new slippers
would float in the toilet.

They don't.

Don't we have enough
expenses around here...

without the kids
sabotaging the place?

Carl, there are eight
people living in this house...

it is bound to get expensive.

But if things get a little
tight, we'll both work overtime.

Listen, you two, I
feel like a freeloader.

- Rachel, don't be silly.
- Well...

No, I appreciate the way you two have
supported my attempts to be a writer...

but my career is
going nowhere fast.

I'd really like to contribute to the
family budget on a regular basis.

But it's really not
necessary, right, Carl?

Well, let's hear
her out, Harriette.

I mean, look at
these newspapers.

I've been checking all the want
ads, but these jobs sound so lousy.


"Lakeshore Zoo seeks executive
veterinary assistant, simian sanitation."

Well, now, that sounds
good. What exactly do you do?

You scoop monkey poop.

What's the pay?

Listen, Rachel, if
you gotta find a job...

- try to find something that's challenging.
- Hmm.

Now, hey, here's
something challenging.

"Shy guy seeks hot babe who
shares love for pie toppings."


listen, don't feel that you have to
take the first job that comes along.

Take your time, okay?

Don't worry, it's almost
impossible to find a job these days.

Guess what? I just got a job.

I'm gonna be a part-time
waitress at Leroy's.

I get minimum wage plus tips. We're
talking new clothes, concert tickets.

I want money Lots
and lots of money

I want a pie in the sky Whoa!

I wanna be rich Whoa!


- What?
- You are only 14 years old.

- Uh, you're too young to have a job.
- No, I'm not.

You have schoolwork and
chores around the house.

Mom, listen, let me work
at Leroy's for one month.

If my grades slip, or if I don't pull
my weight
around here, I'll quit. Deal?

One month.

Yes! Oh, Mom, will you
sign my work permit?

Why do you need a work permit?

I'm too young to have a job.

Laura, are there any
more openings at Leroy's?

Nope, I got the last one.


You're working at Leroy's?

I knew you'd be
thrilled, sugarknees.

I saw you ask Leroy for a job,
so I decided to ask for one too.

Go home, Steve.

All right, wait a minute, wait
a minute, wait a minute. Uh...

Uh, a peck near the lip area
would speed me on my way.

So would a left hook.

Ooh, I love it when
she gets physical.

Boy, Laura's got a job,
even Steve Urkel's got a job.

Now, I should be
able to find something.

Well, if you're interested...

my Uncle Cecil Urkel
is looking for somebody.

Really? What kind of job is it?

I'm not sure.

All I know is it's got something
to do with pie toppings.

Difficult Phrases and Words

  • hitting the courts - going to the courts. Usually hit is used in sentences like “hit the ball”, but in this example “hitting” has a different meaning - “going to.”

  • Poor thing - The grandmother feels sorry for her opponent because she is going to win easily, so the grandmother calls her opponent “poor thing”.

  • great shape - has a healthy body

  • fuss - complaining

  • freeloader - someone who receives benefits without paying for them.

  • pull my weight - fulfill my responsibilities

  • peck - a very fast kiss with just the lips

  • left hook - a punch with the left arm coming in contact with the opponent from the side.

Example of a hook punch

  • gets physical - Steve Urkel is making a joke. Michelle said she would give Urkel a left hook (being physically abusive). Urkel says she is being physical in a romantic way.

    • Two guys in an argument start to punch each other. People watching: They are starting to get physical.

    • A husband and wife are watching a movie and the husband starts to kiss his wife. The wife says, “I don’t want to get physical right now.”

Discussion Questions

  1. The Winslows will have to call a plumber because little Richie dropped slippers in the toilet. Carl complained “Don't we have enough
    expenses around here ... without the kids sabotaging the place? -> Did you ever break something as a kid?

  2. Rachel felt like a free loader because she was not contributing to the family budget. What are your thoughts on free loaders? Did you ever feel like a free loader in your life?

  3. Rachel was having a tough time trying to find a job. Did you ever have a tough time trying to find a job?

  4. Laura was really excited about getting her first job. What was your first job? Did you enjoy it?

  5. Laura did not like that Steve Urkel would be working with her. Did you ever have to work with a co-worker you did not like?


Learn English with Family Matters -SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - RACHEL'S PLACE - Part 2


Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 2 - Part 4