Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 2 - Part 4


Isabella: Is that a volcano?

(Volcano blows up, rapidly shooting out gnomes)

Stanky Dog: GNOOOOOMES!!! (Gnome hits him) Oof!

Man: Run for your lives!! It's gnome-ageddon!!!

(People run away screaming as gnome continue raining down)

Man #2: Who's protecting our gardens?!!

(Cut to Linda)

Linda: Candace, tell me the truth. What is going on here?

Candace(Sighs, talking fast) Phineas and Ferb built a beach in the backyard, just like they said they were going to. But instead of just a cute little beach in a sandbox; it turned out to be this absolutely huge beach, with a coastline, and palm trees, and a pier, and hula dancers, and water skiers, and tiki huts, and dolphins, and dancing, and surfing, and everybody from the neighborhood showed up—

(As the fight continues underground, Perry hits the lever in Doof's face. As that happens, it switched from Blow to Suck.)

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Oof! (The volcano starts sucking down all of the water, splashing down on Perry and Doof.)

Candace: ...and then I was just about to share a smoothie with Jeremy when a coconut dropped on my head, and (The water is still being sucked in the beach)...and just for a moment, it seemed that the wily Buford would steal away the coveted surfing trophy from under the noses of our heroes...(At the moment, the water was totally gone.) then I can only continue my benign reign and spread love, happiness and ultimate popularity throughout my kingdom! If you would just let me have my moment!

(The water was now completely sucked up. As people are looking down in the hole that was created, Perry climbs up into the surface.)

Phineas: Oh, there you are, Perry.

(Perry chatters.)

Phineas: Well everybody, looks like that's all for today!

Crowd: Phineas and Ferb! (X3)

(The gate lifts and and closes)

Candace: If you don't believe me, go see for yourself.

(Linda enters the backyard.)

Phineas: That was great.

Linda: Hey, boys.

Phineas: Hey, mom.

Linda: So how was your day at the beach?

Candace: Wait, wait, my kingdom...my Jeremy...it was all so beautiful...! (panics, at Phineas and Ferb) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY PARADISE?! (pants)

Linda: Candace, honey, I think it's time to get you out of the sun for a little while. (she and Isabella lead Candace away.)

Phineas: I think she had fun.

(Song: "If Summer Only Lasted One Day")♪If Summer only lasted one day!♪♪(Summer only lasted one day!)♪

Stanky Dog (on radio)Stanky Dog here with a special shout-out to my two new pals, Phineas and Ferb, for hosting a beach party that was hot, hot, hot. And speaking of hot, slather on the sunscreen listeners, cause tomorrow's weather calls for another scorcher.

Ferb: With a slight chance of scattered lawn gnomes.

(Phineas laughs.)

Discussion Questions

  1. What kind of beach would you create? Like Phineas and Ferb, would you include a coastline, palm trees, a pier, and opportunities for water skiing?

  2. Candace considers herself to be the queen of the beach, and she reigns over everyone. Where do you feel the most powerful and/or popular?

  3. What is the weather like where you live? Have you ever had any strange weather occurrences?


Learn English with Family Matters -SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - RACHEL'S PLACE - Part 1


Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 2 - Part 3