Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 2 - Part 3


Dr. Doofenshmirtz (narrating): While the other children played Kick-the-Schtumpel and eat Doonkelberries, I would stand for hours.

Mr. Doofenshmirtz: Bewege dich nicht! ("Don't move!")

Dr. Doofenshmirtz (narrating): All through the cold night as the Spitzenhounds howled, my only companion was the moon. And my neighbor Kenny.

Mr. Doofenshmirtz: Bewege dich nicht! ("Don't move!")

Doofenshmirtz: And since my lawn gnome was taken away from me, I will destroy every lawn gnome in the entire Tri-State Area! Behold, the Destruct-inator! (He pulls a curtain, revealing the giant machine) And now, Perry the Platypus, to activate my creation! (pushes a button and opens Perry's trap) NOOOO! (Perry hits him)

(Cut to the beach)

Stanky Dog: Surf contest!

Buford: Out of my way, Dinner-bell.

Phineas: Hello, Buford. Perhaps you missed the sign.

Buford(reads the sign) "No Bullying, No Yodeling"?

Man(Austrian accent) I don't like this any more than you do.

Stanky Dog: First up in the surf contest is Bobby Nelson. Oh! And Nelson eats it on the five-footer! And there's Django Brown shooting the curl, and here comes Buford Van Stomm! Ohh! He pummels Brown with a Philadelphia traffic stomp! And now he's got him in a Half-Nelson, now a Full-Nelson, oh! And now he's actually beating him with Bobby Nelson! Here's the scores from our judges. (The scores show 1, 0, and 1/8.) And Buford doesn't like it one bit. (Buford throws Bobby at the table, smashing it.) Next up is Phineas Flynn, and it's great to see a young surfer show such confidence. Uh-oh, what's this? (Buford splashes through the holographic Phineas) Oh, those kids today and their holographic projections. He's in the pipeline, now he's hangin' ten! He's hanging twenty! He's hangin' thirty-two! Now he's just hangin'! The crowd loves it! I don't think there's a name for that! The crowd is doing the wave, and Phineas is surfing it! Let's go to the judges. 10 to the 5th power, infinity, and oh! It seems Phineas Flynn's radical surfing has made judge #3 re-think Einstein's theory of relativity! Cowabunga, laws of nature!

(Cut to Candace and Jeremy and the people dancing.)

Candace: So, are you having fun?

(The music changes with spotlights)

(Song: "The Moment Has Arrived (Our Song)")♪Girl, the moment has arrived♪♪I can see, although there is no light,♪♪The music, beats throughout the night♪♪And our love's in sight...♪(In the middle of the song)

Candace: Eee... (Cell phone rings) just one second. (dreamily, on phone) Hellooooo?

(Cut to Linda in the car, she gets shocked by this.)

Linda: Uh, Candace? Is everything okay?

(Cut back to Candace.)

Candace: Ohh, everything is just wonderful...

(Cut back to Linda, she gets shocked again.)

Linda: And...Phineas and Ferb? What are they doing?

(Cut back to Candace as Phineas surfs in the background.)

Candace: Ohh, such wonderful things...

(Cut back to Linda, she gets shocked once more.)

Linda: Candace, honey, I'm coming home.

(Needle scratch, cut back to Candace.)

Candace: Wait, WHAT?

Linda: (On phone) I'm right around the corner; I'll be there in two minutes.

Candace: Wait! No mom, you can't! (Linda turns off the phone.) Oh, wait, wait! Uhh... (at Jeremy) Stay right there! (runs off) I've got to stop her! (Looks out the backyard gate) Oh, no, no, no, no... (Linda arrives) Mom, Mom, pleeaaasee, Mom! Go away! Don't come in!

(Underground, the fight resumes. Perry kicks Doofenshmirtz into a lever, switching it to "Blow" forming a volcano in the middle of the ocean.)

Discussion Questions

  1. Did you ever encounter bullies?

  2. Phineus and Ferb had a surf contest on the backyard beach. If you had a backyard beach, what would you do?

  3. Candace was having a wonderful time on the beach. Can you remember a time when you were feeling wonderful?


Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 2 - Part 4


Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 2 - Part 2