Learn English with Jimmy Neutron -Cookie Time


Intro and Outro Voice: Jimmy Neutron, boy genius in! Cookie time!

Jimmy in in the bushes outside the kitchen a pair of binoculars in hand as he looks inside at the tin of cookies

Jimmy: Ah-ha cookies! You know what that means Goddard?

Jimmy: That’s right, we’re going in!

Jimmy sneaks in with Goddard, he tries to sneak a cookie from the cookie jar but his mother catches him

Judy: James Isaac Neutron you put that cookie back you’ll spoil your dinner.

Jimmy: Aw mom just one little cookie.

Judy: Well okay, you can have one cookie.

Jimmy: Don’t mind if I do.

Jimmy: Don’t mind if I do.

Judy: Well okay, you can have one cookie.

Jimmy: Don’t mind if I do!

He swallows all three cookies and then looks at the camera

Jimmy: Isn’t time travel great! Ha ha

Jimmy: NO! gah. Let go Goddard! I said NO!

Jimmy: Want a cookie?

Jimmy tried to offer the cookie but the dinosaur roars and steps forward. Screaming Jimmy and Goddard Run away as the screen dissolves to black.

Intro and Outro voice: For more Jimmy neutron adventures keep watching on nick! And to visit Jimmy online, go to Jimmy Neutron dot com.

Jimmy in his rocket flies past.

Jimmy: Gotta blast!

Discussion Questions

  1. If you had a time travel machine, how would you use it?

  2. Jimmy really enjoys cookies. What food do you really enjoy?


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