Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 2 - Part 1


Stanky Dog (on radio): This is Stanky Dog comin' to you on the hottest day of the summer! Unless you live at the beach, I say take it easy and do nothin' today. Yup, just find yourself a shady tree, and maybe an aquatic mammal of some sort, and blow the whole day off.

Phineas Flynn: Come on, Ferb. If we let a little heat stop us from having the best day ever, then the morning DJs win.

Linda: Ooh, boy, it's hot today! So what are you up to?

Phineas: We're making our own beach, right here in the backyard.

Linda(Oblivious) Oh, how cute. Well, I'm off for my spa day. You boys behave yourselves and don't bother your father. He's finally cleaning out the basement. (Leaves)

Candace: Bye, Mom! Yes! You heard her. We can't bug dad which makes me in charge... by default. (pauses) Carry on.

Phineas: We're gonna need more sand. Hey, where's Perry?

(Perry walks to a mushroom in the backyard and drops down into his lair)

Major Monogram: Good morning, Agent P. Lawn gnomes across the Tri-State Area are disappearing, leaving thousands of gardens unprotected from the evils of black magic. We suspect Doofenshmirtz. Get right on it.

Contractor: Aren't you a little young to be a landscape contractor?

Phineas: Yes, yes I am.

Isabella(Offscreen, dreamy look and voice) Hi, Phineas. (Walks up to him)

Phineas: Oh, hey Isabella.

Isabella: What'cha doin'?

Phineas: Building a beach. Check it out.

(Ferb is shown posing on a giant sprinkler.)

Isabella: Can me and the other Fireside girls be lifeguards? We need to earn our Aquatic-Safety badges.

Phineas: Sure. (Inside the house)

Candace: I mean, I've been a friend of Suzy's longer than Katie, so I should've been invited to that party first. I don't care if they're lab partners! We're locker neighbors. And locker neighbors trumps lab partners any day. (Gasps) Sorry, Stacy. Gotta go.

Phineas: Welcome to our beach.

Candace: Hah! You call that a beach? This is WAY below your usual standard. This isn't even worth a call to mom. You know, if you guys ever want to be popular, you're gonna have to stop playing in sandboxes. (Gets hit by a beach ball) Hey!

Phineas: So Candace, what do you think?

Candace: That's it! I'm calling Mom. (dials the phone)

Stacy: Hey, Candace.

Candace: Jenny? Stacy?

Jenny: You never told us you had a beach in your backyard!

Stacy: You're going to be the most popular girl in the neighborhood.

Candace: I will?

Stacy: I just saw Jeremy and his buddies with their surfboards.

Candace: Jeremy's here? (Panting, drops phone) Gotta go! (Zips off) (We pan to Perry, who is disguised as a lawn gnome.)


Dr. Doofenshmirtz(chuckles) Yes, yes! Just look at the bounty of gnome riches! Oh, this is a strange one. (The lawn gnome punches Doof in the face) Wait, who are you? (Perry takes off his fake beard and gnome hat) ... A platypus? ... (Perry puts on his fedora) PERRY THE PLATYPUS?! You are mine now! (Presses button, the garage door opens) Oh no, wait, wait, wait. That was the garage door opener. You are mine now!

Discussion Questions

  1. If you could have any mammal as a pet, what kind of mammal would you choose?

  2. Would you rather hang out in your backyard or relax at the spa?

  3. If money was not an obstacle, what kind of landscaping would you want done in your backyard? Would you want landscapers to create a beach in your backyard or something else?

  4. Isabella and her friends want to be lifeguards at the beach. Would you want to be a lifeguard?


Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 2 - Part 2


Learn English with Jimmy Neutron -Cookie Time