Learn English with Jimmy Neutron -Pilot Runaway Rocket Boy


Carl: Uh I dunno Jimmy yunno? I get car sick.

Jimmy: Well luckily it’s a rocket.

Carl: Oh.

Jimmy: It’ll be fun! You’re furthering science. Goddard wrench.

Goddard: Bark bark.

His voice sounds hoarse like he’s smoked 20 a day for 40 years.

Jimmy: Thanks boy! Oh, good dog.

Carl: Okay but you promised to help me with math class.

Jimmy: Sure I know okay I will I will uh, okay recite your whole-

Carl: Oh.

Jimmy: -numbers in descending.

Carl: -Softly- Descend?

Jimmy: Order starting with five, Carl.

Carl: Five?

Jimmy: Yes.

Carl: Five.

Jimmy: Good!

Carl: Four.

Jimmy: Yes.

Carl: Three.

Jimmy: Excellent.

Carl: Two, one.

Jimmy: Blast off!

Jimmy hits the button and the rocket starts to propel upwards

Carl: Aaah Ji-immy!

Jimmy: Cool, it didn’t blow up this time.

Judy: JIMMY! James Isaac Neutron you get yourself down here this instant.

Jimmy sighs and shakes his head.

Scene change- Neutron household kitchen.

Judy: Jimmy how many times have we told you not to launch your friends off the roof?

Jimmy: Probably nine

Goddard nods in agreement

Jimmy: Exactly nine. They say repetition is good for a developing brain

Judy: And what about Carl? Where is his brain right now?

Jimmy: Just exiting lower atmosphere entering the stratosphere! He’s completely safe mom.

There’s a brief cutaway to Carl flying through space.

Carl: Can Anybody Help!

Its cuts back to the Neutron kitchen.

Judy: The stratosphere! Oh, what kind of place is that for a ten-year-old?

Jimmy: Water vapor and solar radiation combining to create stratus, nimbus, and cumulous clouds. Quite pleasant and well protected by the ozone layer.

Judy: Well I don’t want you fooling around with these things anymore.

Jimmy: I’m just a kid you know.

He winks at Goddard and a cassette tape on his side begins to play.

Jimmy: I don’t know what I’d do if don’t finish testing my new engine designs the full-scale prototype is just about ready and I-

Judy: Alright, alright, alright! Nice try you can just prototype yourself right up to your room your father will have a few words to say to you when he gets home.

Sometime later Jimmy is in his room sitting on his rocket themed bed as his father sits next to him

Hugh: You see Jimmy, Jimmy, Jim-Jim Jimmy. Jim James… son lemme tell you a little about rockets, they’re big people things son. Ah-and you- you just can't go around playing around with big people, fiery flying, uh things.

As Hugh speaks Goddard nods and Jimmy mouths ‘no’ while shaking his head and gesturing his hand no.

Hugh: Because that’s what rockets are! Rockets are flying things. There I hope this talks has helped.

He gets off the bed and walks to the door. Just as he was about to walk out he stops.

Hugh: Oh by the way, eh mom says your grounded. Sorry!

Hugh leaves closing the door behind him. Jimmy flops down on his bed sadly, Goddard hops up to join him

Jimmy: Just isn’t fair Goddard. What good is a ten-year-old if he can’t test nuclear propulsion units, huh? Tell me. Options.

Goddard shows his screen, the display reads.

1) Apologize, Your Parents Love You.

Jimmy: Love me? -huff- right. Nope, next.

2) Create A Time Capsule, Escape To The Future

Jimmy: Uhg that’ll take to long! Next.

3) Run Away

Jimmy: That’s it! That’s it Goddard we’ll run away! That’ll show ‘em

Goddard: Ruff ruff

Jimmy looks over at his diagram of the solar system and the scene fades away to the Neutron living room. Judy and Hugh are both sat on the couch. Hugh is walking his fingers up Judy’s arm.

Judy is giggling as Hugh speaks.

Hugh: -In a lower voice than normal- Here comes Mr walkman. Mr walking, walking man walking over eh-

Hugh notices Jimmy who is sat on the stairs, he was watching his parents in confusion.

Hugh: you-hm you're right dear! This birthmark does resemble Leonardo DiCaprio.

Judy: Yeah.

Hugh: Oh son didn’t even see you there. I’m- I hey aren’t you supposed to be in bed upstairs?

Jimmy: Well Goddard and I… well we’re running away from home.

Judy: Jimmy Neutron you march yourself-

Hugh: Ahbabababuh if that’s how its gotta be son! Your mom and I are gonna miss ya.

Judy: -gasp- hugh.

Hugh: -Softly- Hey.

Jimmy: Well- well okay, I’m really- I’m really going! Really!

Hugh: Okay! I just hope that before you leave that you’ve given this some thought because out there! It's not what you think son. But you’re a big boy. don’t forget to write. Buh-bye!

Jimmy waves and leaves closing the door behind him.

Judy: Hugh what are you doing? We’ve got to go get him.

Hugh: Buh bah buh bah! I’m using psychology! He’ll be home before diner. Trust me. When I was Jimmy’s age I to ran away from home. Hahaha, I made it about three blocks before my bladder gave out and I had to go home just to get a new diaper.

Judy: You were Jimmy’s age?

Hugh: Ah little older actually.

Judy: Oh.

Jimmy and Goddard flashlight in hand trudge through the backyard to the shed that the lab is under. Jimmy scans a strand of his hair.

Vox: DNA match confirmed, welcome Jimmy! You are cleared for entry.

Jimmy: Thanks Vox.

Jimmy hops up on a table and messes with something until a painting glides down to reveal a control panel, he types on it.

Jimmy: Come on boy!

Goddard: Ruff ruff!

Jimmy and Goddard hop down a hatch that had just opened.

Scene change- Return to Neutron living room, Judy has her hand on Hugh’s shoulder.

Judy: You’re sure he’ll be safe?

Hugh: Honey, does a bear have a butt in the woods?

Judy Looks to the side pulling a face. The camera cuts back to the lab, the tube that Jimmy and Goddard slid down deposited them into a rocket.

The rocket begins to move upwards into position as Jimmy presses different keys and buttons.

Jimmy: Guess this is as good a time as any for a test flight. Ready Goddard?

Goddard: Bark

The rug to the shed rolls away allowing them to continue up into launching position, the roof of the shed also moves out of their way.

Jimmy: Okay. Commencing countdown! Five. Four. Three. Two. Ooone!

The ship starts out its trajectory fine but as Jimmy flies its clear its hard for him to control it. He’s moving erratically and skipping along on the pavement of the street. As he reaches the end of the cul-de-sac a man in a car screams and veers away. The man is the father of Johnny Quasar the character the preceded Jimmy. Jimmy manages to pull the rocket up before it collides with a house.

Jimmy: Power is fluctuating, ugh eh, if can just normalize the fuel rods!

Goddard: Ruff ruff

Jimmy: What is it boy?

Jimmy looks up and sees he’s about to collide with the tall skyscrapers that perimeter RetroVille. He pulls up and flies parallel to the skyscraper he nearly crashed into, that changes his trajectory into a purely upwards one.

Scene change- Neutron living room, Judy and Hugh are still sat on the couch talking.

Judy: Well I think we should go look for him

Hugh: Honey will you trust me? Thirty minutes tops! I mean how far could the little guy go?

Scene change- Jimmy is flying out of the atmosphere. Carl floats by in his own rocket just as Jimmy passes, a green light is flashing in the cubby with him

Carl: Jimmy where’s the bathroom in this thing?

A series of chicken-shaped ships are flying through space, inside are the Yolkiens. Their design in this version is less polished and colorful than in the movie or show. Their egg form is less clear and their limbs and interior have a less refined look to them. Their ship is headed straight for Earth.

Ooblar: Hahe, scuse me, sir, uh pardon me, pardon me sir

King Goobot: What is it?

Oobar: Pardon me, sir, thirty minutes sire before we’re in range of the earth, O great squishy one hehuhehu.

King Goobot: Oh happiness and elation! The earthlings will soon kneel to their new oozing masters ne ha! Nehehaha! More power.

Ooblar: More Power! Did you hear him? Yes, thank you. Sir, you look very good today sir.

The ship moves faster through space. Jimmy on the other hand is flying away from earth dodging asteroids.

Jimmy: Okay Goddard, that should do it. Controls are responding normally. Looks likes a smooth ride now.

The Yolkiens have spotted Jimmy and his ship and are focused on him.

Ooblar: Nehe u-heehe, Oh distinguished spongey leader, the earth has detected us, they have launched their defenses! -gasp- what are your orders?

King Goobot: Bring the earth creature to me, Alive!

Ooblar: Okay hahahehe.

A beam is shot at Jimmy and he begins to levitate upwards towards the Yolkien craft. Jimmy’s rocket is alerting him and beeping, the controls flashing brightly.

Jimmy: Somethings wrong!

The counsel reads ‘Error: Controls Frozen!’

Jimmy: Wait! tegh the controls are frozen! Oh NO!

He looks up and sees that he’s trapped in the ships tractor beam. The beam is being shot from its beak.

Scene change- Interior of the Yolkien ship, a set of doors open to reveal Jimmy in a long room there are a number of tanks filled with green liquid, he flanked by two soldiers and is sat in a chair.

Jimmy: huh Look I already told you. My name is Jimmy Neutron.

Ooblar: Yes right.

Jimmy: I’m a kid, I don’t know anything about earth defenses I just got mad and ran away from home.

Ooblar: Ah yes.

Jimmy: On my rocket, that’s all, honest.

King Goobot: Oh little Jimmy Neutron built himself a rocket

Ooblar: Heha

King Goobot elbows Ooblar.

King Goobot: Well I find that very difficult to believe. A homemade firey flying thing?

Ooblar: Yes.

Jimmy: Dad was right this isn’t wasn’t what I expected at all.

King Goobot: Running away from a comfortable and protected environment and genetically related humanoids who encompass you with great love and affection and are probably worried sick?

Ooblar: Worried sick!

King Goobot: Yeah right.

Ooblot: Well they won't worry for long will they sir eh? In a few moments, we will conquer the puny earthlings and- whoever cuts your hair oh my god like-hehem with our superior technology! You and your people will be our slaves!

King Goobot: Hahahahahaha

Ooblar: You’ll be our slaves, be our slaves, be our slaves, be our slaves, be our slaves, be our slaves,

King Goobot: Oh stop it!

A fed-up King Goobot smacks him.

Ooblar: Absolutely sir!

Jimmy: Ha Not if I can help it. Sick ‘em Goddard!

Goddard taps on Ooblar’s glass while he screams until he cracks

Ooblar: Oh poop

Jimmy: Neh stand back our I'll spill ya!

King Goobot: No please I crack easily. You win!

Jimmy runs to his rocket and starts to fly away from them.

King Goobot: After them you- you, wet spots!

The chicken ship armada changes trajectory and chases after jimmy shooting lasers at him

Jimmy: Getting closer! We gotta do something!

Jimmy spots an asteroid and flies inside its holes. The larger ships follow.

King Goobot: Faster you idiots!

Many of the ships cross back and forth in the same area through different tunnels until two collide and explode from their crash

King Goobot: Oh look out! Go left! Go left! Right!  Oh, this dyslexia. Turn around!

More ships collide crashing and burning, the fire from the explosion chasing Jimmy as he narrowly flies out in time to avoid getting burned. The asteroid explodes into many tiny pieces. King Goobot is cracked his gooey substance floating in space.

King Goobot: You haven’t seen the last of us! Jimmy Neutron!

A piece from their ships explodes next to him frying him like an egg, the spot where his eyes are is lighter compared to the rest of his form.

Ooblar: Yes sir! You tell him yes sir! Hehehehhahenehe -snort-

Jimmy flies back home.

Jimmy: Hold on boy! We’re going in too steep! It’s gonna be bumpy!

Scene change- a return to the Neutron living room shows both parents still on the couch, Hugh playing with a Rubix cube and Judy looking impatient.

Judy: Oh. That does it! I’m going after him.

Hugh: Oh now sugar booger

Judy: Now don’t you sugar booger me

Hugh: Sugar booger

Judy: mm-mm nope

Hugh: Boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-

Judy: Not listening

Hugh: Boo-boo-boo-booger!

Judy: No no

Jimmy and Goddard are screaming as they crash. The rocket jumps like a stone down the street until it makes contact with a fire hydrant and Jimmy is ejected from the rocket at high speeds. Water spews from the busted hydrant and Jimmy and Goddard are whizzing through the air. As Judy opens the front door intent to find her son, said son and dog tumble into the house from the air.

Hugh: See? What did I tell you? They were probably just outside the whole time!

Judy: Jimmy you had us so worried.

Jimmy: I’m sorry mom. I don’t really wanna leave, I love you guys.

Judy: Oh, we love you too dear.

Hugh: Hey let me tell you a few things about love Jimmy. You see love is a many splendored… thing. That’s it’s a splendored thing.

Carl who had gently fallen into the front lawn as Hugh was speaking in a parachute is now at the doorway.

Carl: Uuh, Mrs. Neutron? may I use your restroom? Cause I really gotta…. Oh -sigh- never mind

The family makes faces of surprise, Jimmy himself grimacing at his parents.

Discussion Questions

  1. Did you have a very smart friend? What was that like?

  2. Do you consider yourself smart? How are you smart? (There are many forms of intelligence.)

  3. Would you want to go to space in a rocket?

  4. Were you ever grounded? Why were you grounded?

  5. Did you ever try to run away from home? Could you explain why you tried to run away and what the experience was like?


Learn English with Jimmy Neutron -Carl Squared


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