Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 1 - Part 3


Doofenshmirtz: Now you are too late. Quake in your boots and watch helplessly, as the unimaginable electromagnetic forces, pull the eastern seaboard, thereby reversing the rotation of the--
(All the tin foil releases from the buildings)
Doofenshmirtz: Well...that didn't work. (The tin foil forms into a giant ball, flying through the air) And now, we have a two ton ball of tin foil traveling 200 miles per hour directly at us! Quickly, we must separate the magnet from the Magnifier before it's too late!

(At the store)
Linda: Now I know I have that club card in here somewhere. I always have it with me, but my purse is a disaster area, you know how it is.
(Candace goes outside and sees the coaster)
Candace: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Mom? Mom!? (She rushes off.)

(Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated building)
Doofenshmirtz: It's no use, it's no use, we are doomed!
(Agent P sees a helicopter. He jumps onto the magnet and fires a grappling hook at it. He quickly wraps some of the rope around the magnet. The helicopter flies off, taking the magnet with it.)
Doofenshmirtz: You did it! You saved us, Perry the Platypus! (The ball of tin foil crashes through the building.) Curse you, Perry the Platypus!
(The magnet pulls a piece of the Magnetism Magnifier onto it, and gets stuck on the coaster, which then follows the helicopter into the sky.)

(Candace pulls Linda into the parking lot, not noticing the coaster has been removed.)
Candace: Look, look, look, see?
Linda: (pause) Okay, I give up, what am I supposed to be looking at?
Candace: (turns to see the empty parking lot) No!! It's not POSSIBLE!!!
Linda: (going back inside) I'm gonna go get the cart.
Candace: IT WAS RIGHT HERE AND IT WAS HUGE!!! (sees the rollercoaster fly away) Mom!
Linda: (walks past, taking her cart) Time to go. I've got frozens.
Candace: Okay, so you think that Phineas and Ferb are still under that stupid tree in the backyard, right?
Linda: Well, yes, that would be my guess.
Candace: Fine, then lets go home. Now! (She pushes her.)

(Agent P sees that the helicopter is smoking and cuts the rope. He drops down onto the coaster and in the cart, right behind Phineas and Ferb.)
Phineas: Oh, there you are, Perry.
(Perry chatters)
Phineas: Nice hat, Isabella.
(Isabella takes off Agent P's fedora and looks at it, confused.)
(The car goes to the end of the track and flies onto a construction area and flings into the air.)
Phineas: Funny, I don't remember this in the blueprints.
(An airplane picks up the car by the tail)
Phineas: And I'm sure this is new.

(Candace sees the airplane from Linda's car.)
Candace: Hehehehehehehehehehe!
Linda: I worry about you sometimes, Candace.

(The coaster car drops down and onto the Statue of Liberty, bending and throwing it to the woods. It lands on a pine tree which bends so they end up in front of Mr Slushy Burger.)
Employee: Welcome to Mr. Slushy Burger, may I take your order?
Phineas: Anyone want fries?

(Before taking any orders, the tree bends back and throws them to France, Paris)
French Man: Croissant?
Phineas: Anyone want a... (French accent) "quasson"?

(The car gets flung into orbit)
Singing Voice: ♪ Aahh-Aahh-Aaahhh ♪
(A satellite flies by)
Phineas: You know, if that thing crashes into earth, Candace is in charge.
(The car suddenly falls down towards earth, towards the Tri-State area. The front of the car begins to burn like a meteor.)
Phineas: We should have charged more.

(Linda pulls the car on the driveway and Candace jumps out)
Linda: Okay, we're here, are you happy now, Candace?
(Horror music plays; Candace opens the gate to the backyard and doesn't see Phineas or Ferb.)
Candace: Yes. (At Linda) See Mom, I told you they weren't there!
(Candace opens the gate and gestures toward the tree with her eyes closed, as we hear a sound of leaves rustling. Linda pokes her head through the gate opening and smiles.)
Linda: Oh, hi boys.
(Candace opens her eyes and her mood changes to shock; cut to under the tree to show Phineas and Ferb are here.)
Phineas: Hi Mom.
Linda: Come on Candace, help me with the groceries. (goes off)
Candace: But, but, but, but, but, but, but... (Continues under)
Linda: (comes back) Let's go. (pulls her away)

(Kids drop down from the tree.)
Kid: Hey Phineas, that was great.
Pedro: Way too cool.
Third kid: That was awesome! Can we do it again?
Phineas: Sorry, only one ride per customer.
(Isabella comes down from the tree.)
Isabella: That was great, Phineas. So, what are you gonna do tomorrow?
Phineas: Don't know yet.
Isabella: (pets Perry) Maybe you could teach Perry some tricks.
Phineas: Well, he is a platypus, they don't do much.
Ferb: They're the only mammals to lay eggs.
Phineas: ...Maybe he'll lay an egg.
Isabella: Cool, see you tomorrow. (goes to the gate) It really was the coolest coaster ever. You guys makes a great team.
Phineas: Well, a brother is a brother, but I couldn't have asked for a better one than Ferb. You know what I mean?
(Ferb burps rudely)
Phineas: Oh-ho-ho, man! I could smell the peanut butter!
Isabella: Well, that was impressive. See you, guys. (leaves)

Phineas: So, what should we do tomorrow? There's a world of possibilities. (pause) Maybe we should make a list!
(The coaster car explodes in the tree, a car alarm and a dog barking can be heard.)
Candace: (from inside) Mom!!
Linda: (from inside) Give it a rest, Candace!
(The tin foil ball rolls in the background.)

Discussion Questions

  1. At the end, Phineas asks what they should do tomorrow. What do you plan on doing tomorrow?

  2. The friends travel to all parts of the world and even to outer space in the roller coaster. If you had a roller coaster like that, where would you like to go in a roller coaster?

  3. What did you think of the Phineas and Ferb cartoon?


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Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 1 - Part 2