Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 1 - Part 2


Candace: What do you mean?
Linda: I seem to recall you telling me that the boys were training monkeys to juggle bicycles, and when I come home, there was a stunning lack of monkeys.
Candace: I still don't know how they cleaned that up so fast.
Linda: So, what's the emergency this time?
Candace: They're building a roller coaster!
Linda: Candace, seriously, isn't Phineas a little young to be a roller coaster engineer?

(Phineas talks to a man in a car factory)
Factory Manager: Aren't you a little young to be a roller coaster engineer?
Phineas: Yes, yes I am.
Factory Manager: Well, I must say, I'm very impressed, the forms all seems to be in order, although I'd never seen them filled out in crayon before. So, if there's anything I can get you, anything at all, just let me know.
Phineas: Do you think we could borrow one of those gadgets?
(A robot arm fixing a car is shown)

(Phineas and Ferb is riding the roller coaster that builds by the robot arm.)
Phineas: Now, this is the life.

(The camera zooms in on Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated.)
(Agent P swings into the building)
Doofenshmirtz: Ah, Perry the Platypus, what an unexpected surprise. And by unexpected, I mean: completely expected(Doofenshmirtz presses a button, which activates arms that grabs Agent P.) I, Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz, have covered the entire eastern seaboard in tin foil, and when I put my giant magnet, next to my genius, Magnetism Magnifier, I will pull the East, in westerly direction, thereby reversing the rotation of the earth. You may ask yourself, why would he do this? What could he possibly have to gain? Well, let me just answer that question, I haven't really worked on all the bugs yet. I mean, tin foil alone costs a lot.

(Back at the store)
Candace: But Mom, I'd tell you, they're building  it, and it's huge! (Ferb puts up a poster, Candace comes over to read it.) "Phineas and Ferb present the Coolest Coaster Ever now open"? Mom! (runs off)
Pedro: Phineas and Ferb got a roller coaster? You think we get a discount if we bring the flier?
Another kid: Maybe we better take it.
(They take it with them just as Candace brings Linda over.)
Candace: (Gestures toward the empty post, head turned away) There, look, look, look, see? I told you I'm not crazy, I told you!
Linda: (dryly) And you're not crazy because...? (Candace turns toward the post where the poster was and screams.) I see your point, Candace. No crazy person would scream at a post like that. I'll be at the dairy section if you wanna come yell at some cheese, or anything. (leaves)

(At the Flynn-Fletcher house, where the start of the coaster and a stage is. Ferb lets the kids into a tent and walks onto a stage up to the microphone as if he's about to speak, then steps out of the way as Phineas comes up. He grabs the microphone as disco lights shine and rock music plays.)
Phineas: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! May I present to you a spectacle most of the morning in the making: The Coolest...Coaster...Ever!!! (Ferb reveals the coaster. A bird files into it.) So, who wants to go first?
(Everyone raises their hands.)

(On the rollercoaster...)
Phineas: To fasten, insert the tab into the metal buckle. To release, just pull back on the -- oops. (Phineas drops the safety belt.) Well, you get the picture. Well, that's about it, enjoy the ride. (The car goes over the top, and stops, viewing the long drop.) You guys all signed the waivers, right? (Down it goes; the car goes around the coaster, on the track. Everyone screams.(Going through the drop of snakes) Relax, they're just rubber! (The car goes into a bucket of mud, then exits. Later, it goes through a car wash, to be cleaned from the mud.) Hey, look, there comes the AH-AH-AH-AH! (The track is going up and down repeatedly, creating four "AH"s.)

(The car zooms around the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated building.)
Doofenshmirtz: ...I really make of my money back, I-I-I want a really spacey real estate, and sell it again.
(Agent P sends a screw at Doofenshmirtz, which he ducks for.)
Doofenshmirtz: Ha, you missed! (The screw flies to the roof and hitting a line, which throws it back at Doofenshmirtz's foot.) Aaaoow!! Ow, Ow, Ow, Aaooww! (Doofenshmirtz jumps around and accidentally releases Agent P, who quickly attacks him.) (Agent P hits Doofenshmitz's foot.) Aaaoow!! (During the fight, Doofenshmirtz activates the Magnetism Magnifier.)
Doofenshmirtz: Now you are too late. Quake in your boots and watch helplessly, as the unimaginable electromagnetic forces, pull the …

Discussion Questions

  1. Perry the Platypus’s enemy is the evil genius Doofenshmirtz. Do you have someone who is like an enemy to you or at least someone you do not get along with?

  2. If you could create a spectacle in your yard for your friends, what would you create?

  3. Did you ever create an evil plan or prank? Did you know someone who created an evil plan or prank?


Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 1 - Part 3


Learn English with Phineas and Ferb - Season 1 Episode 1 - Part 1