Learn English with Brian Regan - Doesn't Like Raisins(Stand-Up Comedy)


I don’t like raisins either. Not to the degree of mushrooms, I just don’t like raisins. But I’m intrigued when people try to talk me into liking raisins. Like it’s a psychological flaw.

[audience laughing]

People love to go, “Brian…

[audience laughing]

…do you like grapes?”

[audience laughing]

Here we go. “Yeah. Yeah, I like grapes.” “Well…

[audience laughing]

…raisins… are just dried-up grapes!”

[audience laughing]

“Oh.” “Oh, I’ve loved them all along.”

[audience laughing]

“I had no idea.” So I love to hit them back with… “Do you like ham sandwiches?”

[audience laughing]

“You do?” “Well… would you like if I put one outside… for three weeks… in the broiling sun… on a picnic table, so it shriveled up to the point of unrecognizability… [in high-pitched voice] and put it on a plate and gave it to you?” “Would you like that?”

[audience laughing]

“Well?” “It’s just a ham sandwich!”

Difficult Phrases and Words

  • intrigued - curiosity increased

  • hit them back with - respond/retort with (in this context)

  • broiling - extremely hot

  • shriveled - shrunken and wrinkled due to a lack of water/Collapsed in size.

shriveled hand

shriveled hand

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you like raisins? What is a food that you do not like?

  2. Brian was intrigued when people tried to talk him into liking raisins. When was the last time you were intrigued?

  3. Did someone ever insult you? Did you hit them back with some words of your own?

  4. Did you ever get into a political argument with someone? After they gave their argument, did you hit them back with a good argument?

  5. When was a time when you suffered from broiling heat?

  6. Raisins are shriveled. Do you enjoy any other shriveled food?

  7. Have you ever insulted someone, like calling an old man “a shriveled old man”?


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